Discover Your Next Step
Ask God to calm your heart. This is not a guilt or stress test. Remember you are His child.
Answer the 12 questions below.
Score your answers.
Determine which area you want to focus on.
Use the chart to plan your next step.
Assign a number, between 1 and 6, to each of the statements below.
I consider myself highly motivated to grow spiritually.
I can name several Christian friends who know my personal story and to whom I would go to for support.
I have a heart for service and helping others in practical ways.
If I were playing Jeopardy, I'd ace the Bible category.
It's not unusual for other Christians to confide in me or ask me for advice.
I'm not in a busy season and new time commitments are easy for me to make.
Much of my prayer focus is praying for others.
Jesus and I get upset about the same things.
By looking at how I've spent my time in the last month, it is evident that developing a heart like Jesus is very important to me.
As I review the last 3 months, I can think of 3 people who have helped me grow spiritually.
As I review the last 3 months, I can think of 3 specific interactions with people who I might have helped grow spiritually.
Today, my walk with God is stronger than it's been in the past.
Not True
A Little True
Mostly True
Almost Always True
Very True
Next, add up the sums as directed below.
Make A Map
This section involves how likely you are to make a plan to grow spiritually and follow-thru on it.
Add the number answer you gave to questions 1, 6 and 9.
A low number may indicate a need for help staying motivated.
Join A Team
This section involves your connection to others. Isolation can lead to apathy.
Add the number answer you gave to questions 2, 5 and 10.
A low number may indicate a need to enhance your relationships within the body.
Learn His Ways
This section involves your Biblical understanding and knowledge. Both are critical.
Add the number answer you gave to questions 4, 8 and 12.
A low number may indicate a need to learn more about Jesus and His ways.
Help Others
This section involves your ability to see beyond your own needs to the needs of others.
Add the number answer you gave to questions 3. 7 and 11.
A low number may indicate a need for more others-focused energy.
Scoring Guide
3-7 Commuting by bicycle
8-11 Plodding by tractor
12-16 Speeding in a Camero
*A great tool to help you on your spiritual journey are Spiritual Gifts.
My Map/Plan of Action
Your 1st Step: Is there an obvious action you've been putting off that you need to take?
Confess Jesus as your Savior? Discuss baptism with someone?
Have a healing conversation with another party?
Stop! Take action now!
You've just discovered your next step...
Take it!
Make A Map
Making a map not only provides a sense of direction, but helps one stay motivated. If you scored low in this area then:
Detail Your Plan
Share it with a Trusted Friend
Ask Them to Pray
Fix a Date to Review it with Them
Launch Your Plan
Learn His Ways
If you scored low in this area, choose an option:
Option 1: Dig In!
Take notes on every sermon
Choose one thing to investigate about the sermon
Engage in WBC's Grow Electives
Sept 8 - Oct 13
Jan 12 - Feb 16
Apr 19 - May 24
Enroll in Pastor Randy's Grow Elective "Breathing Deeply - Experiencing the Words of God"
Sundays at 9:30am
September 8 - October 13
Option 3: Intensive
Join A Team
If you scored low in this area, choose an option:
Participate in 2 fellowship events within the next 2 can do it!
Just invite someone over or out - do it twice in the next two months...that's it.
Then see how God uses it to bless you.
Take the 2x2 Challenge
Help Others
If you scored low in this area, choose an option:
Do an act of kindness to a stranger.
Afterward, write out your answers these questions:
3. Repeat for 3 weeks, then shore your experience with a friend over coffee.
What did you do?
How was it received?
What did you experience?
What did God teach you?
Kindness Boot Camp