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Due to the Corona Virus, we were unable to meet in person for a time.
We continued to share messages that were encouraging and pertinent to the times in which we are living.
March 22
March 29
Palm Sunday
As Jesus enters Jerusalem in fulfillment of His mission, the people erupt in praise, just as the prophet foretold!
Matthew 21:1-11
Since Jesus foretold being rejected, we might be surprised to see a joyous celebration when He enters the city.
What do you think might be moving this large crowd to welcome Jesus with such extravagant warmth?
Earlier, Mary had anointed Jesus with perfume in a similar act of extravagance.
John 12:1-11
Picture the scene: Lazarus reclines at the table with Jesus, and Mary pours expensive perfume on Jesus' feet. What do you see pouring out of Mary as she pours out the perfume?
The agony of His impending death weighs heavy in His words of prayer...
John 12:23-33
What would you expect Jesus to request as He faces the cross? What do you hear in the Father's response?
Jesus' suffering starts - not with bearing the cross, but with sharing the bread.
John 13:18-30
What would it be like to share a meal with a friend who you knew was going to turn on you?
Besides a meal together, Jesus gives His disciples even more to remember the night.
John 13:1-11
Jesus, who had given so much, now faces the suffering before Him...alone.
Share how you think it was for Jesus to be abandoned by those He had loved so fully.
They abused and mocked the King of Glory
Matthew 27:26-35
and watched Him suffer and die.
Matthew 27:45-50
Jesus let Himself be crucified and willingly gave up His spirit. But if He "knew that the Father had put all things under His power", why would He allow this to happen to Him?
Two "secret" disciples emerge to lay Jesus' body to rest before the Sabbath.
John 19:38-42
I wonder what Jesus would say to some men who did not publicly follow Him when He was alive, but came forward to care for His body after He had died. What do you think?
Easter Sunday
After the crushing grief of the crucifixion, two women are shook by the appearance of an angel...and then filled with joy at seeing the Risen Jesus!
Matthew 28:1-10
Jesus' message: "I'll see ya back home."
Go to Galilee. Just when it seemed life was over...
How can they get going again after their whole world has been turned upside down?

April 19
April 26
Below are recordings of live worship that was held via Zoom.
May 3
May 17
May 10
May 24

Below are recordings of live worship that were held via Zoom.
Week 1: Where is Your Faith
Week 2: Special Opportunity
Week 3: Darkness of Doubt
Below are recordings of a live worship that were held in our facility.
Due to restrictions, we are currently having two services.
Week 4: The night the angel didn't show
Week 5: That Sinking Feeling
Week 6: Marvelous Faith

Below are recordings of a live worship.
July 12
July 26
August 9
July 19
August 2
August 16
August 23

Below are recordings of a live worship.
Sept 27, 2020
Sept 20, 2020
Oct 4, 2020

A Heart Like His
A multi-layered approach to developing a heart like God’s. Series combines sermons, readings, and a daily walking exercise to experience fresh insights into what it means to live out ones faith.
week 1
Oct 18: Worship & Sermon
Oct 18: sermon only
week 2
Nov 1: Worship & Sermon
Nov 1: Sermon only
week 3
Nov 8: Worship & Sermon
Nov 8: Sermon only
week 4
Nov 15: Worship & Sermon
Nov 15: Sermon only
week 5
Nov 22: Worship & Sermon
Nov 22: Sermon only
week 6
Nov 29: Worship & Sermon
Nov 29: Sermon only
week 7
Dec 6: Worship & Sermon
dec 6: Sermon only
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